MEAL Manager Jobs 2022 Yemen- Online Apply


MEAL Manager Starting around 1993, as a global non-administrative association, ACTED has been focused on quick helpful alleviation to help those in dire need and ensure individuals’ respect, while co-setting out longer term open doors for practical development and realizing individuals’ true capacity.

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ACTED tries to react to helpful emergencies and assemble versatility; advance comprehensive and feasible development; co-develop viable administration and back the structure of common society worldwide by putting resources into individuals and their true capacity.

MEAL Manager We exceed everyone’s expectations: ACTED’s main goal is to save lives and support individuals in addressing their necessities in difficult to reach regions.

With a group of 4,600 public staff and 400 worldwide staff, ACTED is dynamic in 38 nations and executes in excess of 500 undertakings a year coming to north of 20 million recipients.

ACTED Yemen MEAL Manager

MEAL Manager ACTED has been available in Yemen starting around 2012 with a coordination office in Sanaa, and 4 regional workplaces in Ibb, Sa’ada, Aden and Al Hudaydah.

The INGO mediates in ten governorates of the country (Al Dhale, Al Hudaydah, Al Jawf, Ibb, Raymah, Sa’ada, Taizz, Hajja, Dhamar, Lahj), baffled by struggle starting around 2015.

The cause gives crisis reaction, just as convey restoration and advancement projects with WASH, cover, food security and agribusiness programming, camp coordination and camp administration, monetary recuperation and market frameworks, money and voucher programming.

After the beginning of the contention, ACTED moved unequivocally towards crisis programming, while at the same time staying focused on longer-term job and advancement systems.

The groups seek after programming because of crises while building calamity strength, co-developing successful administration, and advancing comprehensive and supportable development.

MEAL Manager Utilizing a multi-area approach, ACTED expects to exhaustively address the issues of the most defenseless dislodged and host networks.

Salary And Benefits MEAL Manager

  • Examination, Monitoring and Evaluation Systems
  • Specialized and Systems Development
  • Create and consistently update the country AME methodology;
  • Create and consistently update combined AME work plan covering every continuous venture and arranged evaluations of the mission;
  • Foster a reasonable AME structure for each continuous venture in view of task proposition, execution plans, and benefactor announcing prerequisites;
  • Regulate the turn of events, estimation, and detailing of subjective and quantitative info, process, yield, result, effect, objective, and objective level execution pointers for all projects;
  • Guarantee that proposition spending plans created catch suitable expense and monetary data to empower execution of both inward and outside AME parts;
  • Guarantee that AME discoveries are reflected and their suggestions are consolidated in future idea notes, recommendations and execution plans;
  • Recognize and plan creative practices to work on authoritative proficiency and viability in AME and general task the executives and consolidate them in the country AME procedure;
  • Carry out the AME arrangements and strategies as depicted in the ACTED AME standard rules and ensure that the apparatuses are observed as pertinent;
  • Guarantee a viable carry out of M&E assortment and detailing frameworks to all staff and accomplices through preparing, site visits, manuals, and other specialized help depending on the situation.
  • Guarantee frameworks are surely known and appropriately executed by staff and accomplices.

AME Implementation and Management MEAL Manager

  • Administer the advancement of mission plans for any appraisals, checking and assessments (baselines, mid-terms, endlines) for every one of the ventures;
  • Create and regulate the execution of suitable information assortment and investigation instruments, procedures (for example review polls, center gathering conversations, key-source meetings) and information/data spread/usage plans;
  • Give specialized direction and oversight over information assortment exercises and guarantee that information assortment groups are coordinated and resourced on a case by case basis, and that they convey according to handle mission plans and as per information quality guidelines;
  • Investigate AME information and produce reports, factsheets with helpful measurable examination and show (diagrams, tables, histograms, box plots) as fundamental on time;
  • Administer giving information to the Project Development Team for use in planning of reports to givers and different partners, as required;
  • In a joint effort with coordination, trigger the vital requirements assessment(s) to guarantee recommendations are pertinent;
  • Add to giver proposition and raising support endeavors (especially consistent structure plans and definition of SMART markers) and reports, through investigation and translation of discoveries;
  • Give AME related limit building and attention to carrying out accomplices and different establishments upheld by ACTED as proper;
  • Execute any proposal talked about and concurred with the country supervisory group and the ACTED Director of Programs;
  • Address ACTED in various gatherings on AME related issues when required.
Information base and GIS
  • Regulate the turn of events, on-going adjustments, fortifying and working of the nation level information the executives;
  • Screen carry out and usefulness of Database Management Systems (DBMS) and GIS across clients including executing accomplices as required;
  • Foster techniques to expand information use and request among pertinent staff and different information/data clients;
  • Plan and keep up with electronic and paper-based MIS/GIS frameworks for following and revealing all quantitative (spatial and non-spatial) information and data;
  • Direct the turn of events, on-going alterations, reinforcing and working of the nation level information and GIS the board frameworks;
  • Work with preparation phases for non AME staff (for example PMs, PDs, TCs) on the utilization of venture information bases and data set related detailing; for instance, giving an account of ACTED’s 16 worldwide vital program markers;
  • Give limit expanding on powerful utilization of GIS/DB items and frameworks – or guarantee that GIS/DB staff convey this proficiently and adequately.
  • Add to proactive spread and utilization of information acquired through AME exercises among Project Managers, Technical Coordinators and Project Development Manager/Officers;
  • Sort out and work with learning occasions to catch best practices and illustrations realized when a task closes or as required;
  • Archive and offer the examples learnt and best practices on schedule and guarantee that the information acquired adds to the improvement of tasks and impact the essential advancement of future undertakings and exercises;
  • Support project execution and improvement by giving convenient data around project triumphs to be increased just as difficulties to permit ‘course rectification’ over the lifetime of the program.
Recipient Complaints and Response Mechanism
  • Build up, execute and screen the recipient Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) for the country mission in accordance with ACTED standard recipient CRM methodology;
  • Guarantee the powerful working of the recipient CRM and that recipient grievances/criticism is sufficiently caught, dissected, addressed and reacted to without wasting much time and used by the program and coordination groups;
  • Regulate the legitimate administration of the venture CRM focal data set;
  • Assemble limit and comprehension among ACTED staff, accomplices and workers for hire on recipient responsibility and CRM.
AME Team Leadership
Group Management
  • Guarantee that staff in the division comprehend and can play out their jobs and obligations;
  • Oversee AME, Database, GIS and Accountability staff depicting their obligations and follow-up the work plans and everyday exercises;
  • Guarantee a positive workplace and great group elements;
  • Oversee relational contentions between departmental staff individuals;
  • Attempt ordinary examinations of staff and follow profession the executives;
  • Guarantee that the group holds generally that is particular with regards to ACTED including the associations esteems and convictions, worldwide character, lucidness and consistency, and freedom and unbiasedness.
Limit Building and Training
  • Recognize the AME preparing necessities of AMEU staff, examine plans with the coordination and HR for both inner and outside preparation phases, and carry out them as indicated by AME vital and functional needs;
  • Mentor, train, and tutor AME Officers determined to reinforce their specialized limit, trading information inside the AME group and giving proficient improvement direction.
  • Give customary and opportune updates on progress and difficulties to administrators and other colleagues;
  • Address ACTED in undeniable level outside discussions at public level, like AME specialized working gatherings;
  • Take part in AME-related meetings and studios whenever the situation allows and keep awake to date of best practices and new information made in the field of AME;
  • Play out some other related exercises as doled out by the prompt administrator.
  • Anticipated abilities and capabilities
  • Graduate degree;
Qualification  MEAL Manager
  • 3-5 years of involvement with AME, ideally in global compassionate setting
  • Amazing correspondence and drafting abilities for successful covering program monetary execution;
  • Capacity to screen and assess monetary and checking abilities of networks through limit building endeavors;
  • Capacity to work in a diverse climate requiring adaptability;
  • Experience with the guide framework, and comprehension of giver and administrative prerequisites;
  • Earlier information on the locale a resource;
  • Familiarity with English required
  • Capacity to work Microsoft Word, Excel and Project Management programming
  • Factual examination programs liked
  • Pay characterized by the ACTED compensation matrix relying upon training level, aptitude, security level and experience
  • Living recompense of 300 US
Job Details MEAL Manager

Job Location                      Yemen

Company Industry           Other Business Support Services

Company Type                   Unspecified

Job Role                              Maintenance, Repair, and Technician

Employment Type              Unspecified

Monthly Salary                    Unspecified

Number of Vacancies        Unspecified

How to apply for MEAL Manager?

You can only apply online. Apply Here
